47th Annual Wayzgoose Book Arts Fair
Saturday April 26, 2025
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
FREE Admission
Every year on the last Saturday of April a fascinating group of private press printers, bookbinders, print makers, paper marblers and other artisans gather at the Grimsby Public Art Gallery to celebrate the art of the hand-made books. Over 40 exhibitors display their work and provide live demonstrations in traditional book arts practices, sharing their expertise with the next generation of artists and artisans.
Wayzgoose History
Started in 1979 by the Grimsby Public Art Gallery's founding Director Bill Poole, Wayzgoose was a small gathering of friends and colleagues that attracted about 300 visitors. Since then it has grown into an eagerly awaited annual event with an attendance of between 2000 and 2500 people. Participants and visitors come from across Ontario, from Quebec and from the North Eastern states.
Wayzgoose Anthologies
It has become part of the Wayzgoose tradition to produce an Anthology of work by the various participants. Sections, known as signatures, are hand bound into a volume that is sought after and cherished by many. Produced in a limited edition of 115, the Anthology is an original and lasting keepsake and also a means by which book artists that cannot come to Grimsby for the event are able to have a presence. The sale of these anthologies helps to offset the costs associated with Wayzgoose.
The 2024 Wayzgoose Anthology, as well as many back issues, are currently available to purchase for $80 (includes HST). Shipping is extra and is dependent on where you live. If you would like to purchase this unique work of art, want to know what years are still available, or would like a shipping quote, please contact the Gallery gpag@grimsby.ca or 905-945-3246.
How to become an exhibitor
If you are an artisan who specializes in the bookarts and are interested in participating in the next Wayzgoose, please contact the Gallery to be added you to our mailing list to receive application notices, which are typically sent out mid-December. Interested participants are given about a month to submit their application for review by the Wayzgoose Committee and will be notified of the Committee's decision in the beginning of February.
Applicants who will be actively demonstrating their book art, or in some other way directly engaging the public, are particularly encouraged. Book arts and related practices exhibited at Wayzgoose include, but are not limited to:
- bookbinding
- letterpress
- original printmaking
- paper making
- paper marbling
- calligraphy
Table fees are $45 (fee is subject to change)
Virtual presentations of Wayzgoose
Both the 2020 and 2021 Wayzgoose events were held virtually, due to COVID-19 restrictions. Please visit the following links to enjoy the virtual content:
Contact Us
Grimsby Public Art Gallery
18 Carnegie Lane
Grimsby, ON, L3M 1Y1
Email: gpag@grimsby.ca
Phone: 905-945-3246
Map this location
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