Volunteers have been an integral part of GPAG since the Gallery was founded in 1975. Originally known as the Women’s Committee, members of the Volunteer Committee of the Grimsby Public Art Gallery have worked side by side with Gallery staff to ensure that art and culture is available for all residents of Grimsby and the Niagara region.
This has included organizing the annual fundraising auction, assisting with educational programs as tour guides, moving Art in the Schools displays in the community, and by helping at events as varied as Wayzgoose, gallery openings, and community festivals. Simply put, GPAG would not be the amazing organization it is today without the work of numerous volunteers. While most members of the Volunteer Committee are adults, the Gallery also has a strong commitment to youth and teenaged volunteers. All ages are welcomed.
We are extremely grateful for all that our volunteers have done and continue to do for the Gallery.
To inquire about volunteer opportunities, email gpag@grimsby.ca