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Grimsby Beach

Grimsby Beach is an historic neighbourhood comprised of a number of unique historical landmarks and homes, commonly referred to as "gingerbread cottages" or "painted ladies". Apart from the local homes, the area consists of parks and greenspace, including waterfront access to Lake Ontario. The area is connected by a unique street network as well, formed by narrow cul-de-sacs and dead end streets so please read the information below before you plan to visit. 

Visitor Information 

  • Grimsby Beach is first and foremost a residental neighbourhood.  If you are visiting the area be mindful that these houses are peoples homes.  Please be respectful of personal space and do not go onto private property.
  • The streets of Grimsby Beach are quite narrow and many are one-way streets.  Please familiarize yourself with the area before visiting, and if possible park offsite and walk the area.   
  • Visits to Grimsby Beach can be quite busy, so please plan accordingly and if the area is busy, please return another time.  
  • Parking is quite limited in this neighbourhood, and is limited to certain roads.  Please refrain from parking on private property, on green space, or in any areas not intended for public parking.
  • This area is not suitable for bus tours. If you are planning to bring a large group of visitors to the area, please contact the Town offices first.
  • There is a beach and waterfront park in this neighbourhood that can be accessed through the park.  If your visit is intended to enjoy the beach, we do recommend that you consider visiting one of our other larger beaches  as this park is quite small.  There are no washrooms at this site, so please plan accordingly.

The residents of Grimsby Beach take alot of pride in the maintenance of their unique homes and we are grateful for the work that they do to preserve these special homes.

Some facts about Grimsby Beach

  • The Grimsby Beach area is situated within the recognised territory of the Anishinaabe (Anishinabek Nation).
  • Grimsby Beach was used by Euro-Canadian settlers as a religious gathering place in the mid-19th century, which became known as a “Methodist Campground.”
  • The historic use as a “Methodist Campground” played a significant role in the evolution of the area as the “tent lots,” roads, lotting patterns, and park areas are still recognizable today.
  • By the 1870s, canvas and post tents were being replaced with wood-frame cottages, known as permanent tents.
  • The 1875 and 1885 plan of subdivision illustrates many of the original features of the community.  Many of these features are still recognizable today, including Bell Park, constructed in the 1880s, which originally contained a heart-shaped moat.
  • Many of the historic homes predate 1945. Several have been protected as significantly cultural heritage resources under the Ontario Heritage Act.
  • Native species of trees such as white pine, sugar maple, and white spruce provide a dense tree canopy.
  • Since the early 20th century, the area became a place of not only religious gatherings, but also of seasonal recreation and retreat.

Contact Us

Town of Grimsby
160 Livingston Avenue
Grimsby ON, L3M 0J5
Phone: 905-945-9634
Fax: 905-945-5010

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