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Before applying for a building permit

Below are icons that will guide you through the key aspects of applying for a building permit. Each icon provides direct access to important information and steps, helping you navigate the process smoothly. By following these steps, you'll be better equipped to understand the requirements, ensure compliance with regulations, and avoid common delays, making your building project as efficient and hassle-free as possible.

Projects that require a permit

Building permits are necessary for various construction projects to ensure compliance with safety standards, building codes, and local regulations. Whether you're constructing a new building, making alterations, or installing specific systems, a permit is often required. Understanding when a permit is needed is crucial for avoiding issues and ensuring your project runs smoothly. Below are common scenarios where a building permit is required.

1. New Buildings

A permit is required to construct a new building over 10m² in area, a building less than 10m² that contains plumbing, or if you are relocating a new building to your property.

The following are examples of building uses where a building permit required:

  • Residential
  • Institutional
  • Commercial
  • Industrial

2. Additions

A building permit is required for the construction of an addition to a building or structure with a building area of over 10 square metres (approximately 108 square feet).

The following are examples of additions:

  • Sunrooms
  • Solariums
  • Attached Garages
  • Porches
  • One and two storey additions

3. Structural or material changes.

A building permit is required for the alteration of any building or structure with a building area of over 10 square metres (approximately 108 square feet).

A permit is required for but not limited to:

  • adding or removing walls,
  • installing new windows or doors,
  • enlarging or relocating existing windows or doors,
  • and enclosing an existing deck, porch, or patio of any size.

4. Sheds with an area of 15 square meters (161 square feet) or more

A permit is required for sheds that are:

  • more than 15 m2 in gross area;
  • more than one storey in building height;
  • attached to a building or any other structure;
  • is used solely for storage purposes ancillary to a principal building on the lot; and/or
  • does not have plumbing.

5. Accessory structures

A permit is required to construct a new building over 10m² in area, a building less than 10m² that contains plumbing, or if you are relocating a new building to your property.

A permit is required for but not limited to:

  • a detached garage,
  • workshop, carport, or
  • pool house.

6. Basement renovations

A building permit is required for the alteration of any building or structure with a building area of over 10 square metres (approximately 108 square feet).

A permit is required for but not limited to:

  • structural or material alterations,
  • installation or modification of heating and plumbing systems,
  • excavation or construction of foundations,
  • basement underpinning,
  • constructing a basement entrance,
  • or adding a second suite.

7. Energy and environmental building enhancements

A building permit is required for the alteration of any building or structure with a building area of over 10 square metres (approximately 108 square feet).

A permit is required for but not limited to:

  • rooftop stormwater retention systems,
  • green roofs,
  • structures supporting wind turbine generators over 3kW,
  • and solar projects like the installation of solar collector systems and solar hot water systems.

8. Decks

A building permit is required for the construction of an deck attached to a building of any size or height. A building permit is required for a detached deck that is less than 600mm in height and less than 10m² in area.

The following are examples of building uses where a deck permit required:

  • Residential
  • Institutional
  • Commercial
  • Industrial

9. Retaining walls

A building permit is required for retaining walls where the retaining wall exceeds one metre (about 3.2 feet) in exposed height and is adjacent to:

  • Public property
  • Access to a building
  • Private property to which the public is admitted

10. Tents

A building permit is required for tents where the tent or group of tents include the following:

  • covers more than 60 square meters (646 square feet),
  • is attached to a building,
  • or is within 3 meters (9 feet 10 inches) of another structure.

11. Demolishing or removing all or part of a building

A building permit is required to relocate or demolish an existing building or structure.

Your demolition application will be reviewed to ensure compliance with applicable law, including the Ontario Heritage Act and the Zoning By-Law. 

12. Installing or reconstructing a chimney, fireplace, wood-burning stove, or modifying heating and plumbing systems

A building permit is required for the alteration of any building or structure with a building area of over 10 square metres (approximately 108 square feet).

A Building Permit is required for the installation of a:

  • Masonry fireplace /masonry chimney
  • Woodstove and chimney
  • Pellet stove (wood, corn, grain, etc.)
  • Fireplace insert /chimney liner
  • Pre-manufactured fireplace and chimney

13. Backwater valve or backflow prevention device

All new single, semi detached, row house and townhome dwelling units in the Town of Grimsby require the installation of backwater valves (BWVs) on sanitary service laterals (sanitary building drains). Where backflow preventers or back water valves are installed a building permit is required.

14. Change of use

Changing a building's use, such as from residential to office or from a single dwelling unit house to a multi-dwelling unit house. Even if no construction is planned, a building permit is required for a proposed change of use.

15. Signs

The Town of Grimsby issues permits for the construction and installation of signs, including:

  • Billboards
  • Ground signs
  • Fascia signs
  • Portable signs

By getting a sign permit, you can make sure your sign meets all the requirements of the Ontario Building Code and Sign Bylaw (By-law 97-45). The Sign Bylaw sets the size, use, location and maintenance of signs and advertising devices within the City.

1. Uncovered platform (e.g. deck) provided

  • its finished deck level is not more than 60 cm (24 inches) above the adjacent finished grade; and/or
  • it does not form part of an exit required under the building code; and
  • complies with the Zoning Bylaw.

2. Re-cladding of a house or small building

  • Replacing exterior wall cladding, such as siding, with the same material and if there is no increase in thickness.

3. Window or door replacement

  • there is no change in the location or size of the window and/or door;
  • the structural support for the opening (i.e. lintel) is not affected; and
  • a new exit is not created;

4. Replacement heating and cooling equipment for a house

Replacement meaning like for like and the same, such as:

  • Air conditioning unit(s)
  • Furnace(s)
  • Heat pump(s)
  • Solid fuel-burning appliance(s), etc.

5. Repairing and replacing plumbing fixtures

Fixture: means a receptacle, plumbing appliance, apparatus or other device that discharges sewage or clear water waste, and includes a floor drain.

Exempt only for same fixtures in same location.

6. Replacing existing roofing material

Exempt provided no structural work is required. and replacing shingles with the same material as long as the roof has less than three layers of shingles.

7. Cabinetry and millwork

Exempt for most small buildings, however; combustibility of materials needs to be considered in certain occupancy types.

8. Fences

Fences that do not form part of a swimming pool enclosure do not need a permit; however, zoning by-laws still apply.

9. Electrical Work

The City does not issue electrical permits, but you must contact the Electrical Safety Authority at 1-877-372-7233 for related electrical permits.

How to apply for a building permit

There are several methods for applying for a building permit, depending on your project and preferred resources. Whether applying online or submitting a paper application, each method ensures efficient processing. Below, we outline the available options to help you choose the best one for your needs.

If you are submitting your application in person, please ensure that you complete the Building Permit Application form. Along with the application, you must also submit two sets of complete construction drawings. These documents are essential for the review and processing of your building permit.

You have two options for submitting your application:

  1. Visit Town Hall During Office Hours: You are welcome to come to the Town Hall in person during regular office hours to submit your application.

  2. Schedule an Appointment: If you prefer, you can schedule an appointment in advance to submit your application in person. This may be a convenient option if you need assistance or if you have specific questions regarding the application process.

For in-person submissions, please visit the Building Division at the following address:

Building Division
Town of Grimsby
160 Lingston Ave.
Grimsby, ON L3M 0J5

For any inquiries or further assistance, you can contact the Building Division at:

Telephone: 905.309.2022

Please ensure that all documents are complete and ready for submission to avoid delays in processing your application.

If you are submitting your application by mail, please ensure that you complete the Building Permit Application form. Along with your application, you must include two sets of complete construction drawings. These documents are necessary for the review and processing of your building permit.

Once you have filled out the application and gathered the required construction drawings, please send them through mail or courier to the following address:

Building Division
Town of Grimsby
160 Lingston Ave.
Grimsby, ON L3M 0J5

Make sure all the documents are properly prepared and enclosed to avoid any delays in the review process. If you choose to use a courier service, please ensure that your package is addressed correctly to the Building Division to guarantee it reaches the right department.

The Town of Grimsby Building Permit Application Portal is coming soon for online submissions.

To assist you in completing your application, we recommend consulting the Building Permit Application Portal user guide. This guide offers detailed, step-by-step instructions to ensure your application is completed accurately.

If you require further assistance or have any questions, please feel free to contact us. You can email, or call 905.309.2022 and ask to speak with a Building Technician, who will be happy to offer guidance or clarify any aspects of the application process.


Building Permit Fees

When submitting your Building Permit application, you must pay the required permit fees, which are outlined in Grimsby’s Fee Schedule. Fees vary depending on the project’s nature and scope. For detailed information on fees, requirements, and refund policies, refer to Grimsby’s By-law on building permits, which provides comprehensive guidelines on the permit process.

Calculated based on the work you propose in your application, the Building Permit fee schedule lists the fee rates charged for each type of work proposed. 

Permit fees shall be calculated based on the formula given below unless otherwise specified in this schedule:

Minimum fee of $185.00 (2024) shall be charged for all work.

Fee Calculation Formula:

  • Permit fee = SI x A
  • SI = Service Index for classification of proposed work
  • A = Floor area in m2 of work involved of work involved

Click link below to view applicable rates:

Building Permit Fee Schedule


Various types of construction projects may be subject to additional fees payable at time of permit issuance. These fees are separate from building permit fees, and are regulated by varying governing bodies. If you have any clarifying questions related to the fees mentioned below please contact the individual departments listed.

These fees include but are not limited to:

Niagara Region Finance - Development Charges  905-980-6000 ext. 3528

Town of Grimsby Finance - Development Charges   905-945-9634 ext. 2169

Town of Grimsby Planning - Parkland Dedication Charges   905-945-9634 ext. 2128

Town of Grimsby Public Works - Water Meter Fees   905-945-9634 ext. 2014

Town of Grimsby Public Works - Grading/Security Bonds   905-945-9634 ext. 2014

Town of Grimsby Public Works - Service Connection Fees   905-945-9634 ext. 2014

Town of Grimsby Public Works - Entrance Permit   905-945-9634 ext. 2014

Building permit process maps

This overview of the Building Permit Process outlines the key steps, from submitting your application to receiving approval. It guides you through the necessary requirements and helps you understand the typical project timeline. Following these steps will ensure your application is complete and meets all regulations.

A minor construction project such as interior alterations, additions or even some new houses is an exciting endeavor, but before you start construction, there's an essential step you need to take: obtaining a building permit. In Ontario, this process ensures that your construction adheres to all safety and zoning regulations. Here are eleven crucial points to help you navigate the permit process smoothly and get your project off to a great start.

Click image below to view:

A major construction project such as a new industrial, institutional, commercial building, subdivision developments and even a large addition involves a few more considerations shown in Step #3 and #4 compared to ‘minor construction projects.’ Here are ten crucial points to help you navigate the building permit process smoothly and get your project off to a great start.

Click image below to view:

If your application is considered complete, the initial review time will be:

  • Residential applications: 10 business days
  • Second unit applications: 15 business days
  • Non-residential applications: 20 business days

Applications that are incomplete will not adhere to the above timelines.

For resubmitted revised drawings, there is no guaranteed review time, as these do not fall under the legislated timeframes mentioned. Each resubmission could potentially extend the review period by two or more weeks.

The total duration for obtaining a permit can vary based on the submission quality and your responsiveness as an applicant. Any request for additional information due to an incomplete application will prolong the review process.

Here are the average processing times for permits:

  • New residential (detached, semi): 13 weeks
  • Residential alterations (detached, semi): 7 weeks
  • Second unit: 10 weeks
  • New non-residential: 12 weeks
  • Non-residential alterations: 9 weeks

We advise applying for your building permit well before your planned construction date.

Contact Us

Town of Grimsby
160 Livingston Avenue
Grimsby ON, L3M 0J5
Phone: 905-945-9634
Fax: 905-945-5010

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