Drinking Water Quality
The Ontario Ministry of Environment's Municipal Drinking Water Licensing Program requires municipalities to obtain licences for the operation and maintenance of their residential drinking water systems. One of the major components of the licensing program is the requirement for municipalities to implement a quality management system that conforms to the Ministry's Drinking Water Quality Management Standard. The Municipal Drinking Water Licensing Program and the Drinking Water Quality Management Standard were introduced by the Ministry to address recommendations from Justice O'Connor's inquiry into the Walkerton incident.
Quality management system
A quality management system is a documented and implemented set of policies and procedures defining how an organization manages and directs its business processes, or the business that it does, with regard to the quality of its product or service. The system enables an organization to identify, measure, control and continually improve upon these processes, ultimately leading to improved performance in the management of its business.
Ministry of Environment's requirements
The Town of Grimsby has developed a quality management system (QMS) for the Grimsby Water Distribution System that conforms to the Ministry's Drinking Water Quality Management Standard. The Town's Drinking Water QMS is documented in an Operational Plan which is approved by Council each year. The Town is accredited by the Ministry and is subject to regular audits and inspections to ensure we are conforming to their standard.
DWQMS policy
The Town of Grimsby owns and operates the Grimsby Water Distribution System. The Town is committed to:

- Providing Town water consumers with safe, clean drinking water
- Upholding all applicable legislative and regulatory requirements
- Reviewing, maintaining and continually improving its Drinking Water Quality Management System
- Establishing and maintaining open and effective communication with Town water consumers regarding matters of drinking water quality
Operational Plan
The Town's DWQMS Operational Plan is available for viewing at the following municipal facilities:
- Grimsby Town Hall, 160 Livingston Avenue
- Grimsby Operations Centre, 2 Clarke Street
Grimsby's WDS Legislative Overview
Municipal Drinking Water License (MDWL) and Drinking Water Works Permit (DWWP) Requirements
The Town of Grimsby maintains an MDWL and DWWP for the ownership and operation of the Town's drinking water distribution system. The Town is obligated to communicate the requirements of the MDWL and DWWP to the various parties involved in owning, operating, maintaining or altering the water distribution system.
The Grimsby WDS Legislative Overview document is used to communicate these requirements to various parties, including:
- Developers and/or property owners constructing watermain/servicing
- Consultants overseeing the design and construction of watermain/servicing
- Contractors constructing watermain/servicing
The Town's MDWL and DWWP are available for public viewing at the office of the Public Works Department located at 160 Livingston Avenue.
Ministry of Environment
How can I learn more?
View the Municipal Drinking Water Licensing Program and the DWQMS by visiting the Ministry of Environment.
Water Quality Reports and Information
The Ontario Ministry of Environment established the Safe Drinking Water Act. This Act defines the roles and responsibilities of owners, operators, and other persons who are involved in the provision of drinking water or other associated services.
Ontario Regulation 170/03, as amended, is the primary regulation made under the Safe Drinking Water Act and governs the operation of municipal drinking water systems. This regulation provides specific requirements that municipalities must adhere to in the operations of these systems.
The Town of Grimsby operates the Grimsby Water Distribution System that falls under this regulation.
View our Water Quality Reports
Annual Water Quality Report and Related Documents are available for viewing. Past Annual Water Quality Reports may be viewed upon request.
Documents related to DWQMS Drinking Water Quality are available in alternate format, upon request.
Contact Us
Town of Grimsby
160 Livingston Avenue
Grimsby ON, L3M 0J5
Phone: 905-945-9634
Fax: 905-945-5010
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