Housing includes detached houses, semi-detached houses, and townhouses (up to 3 storeys) with no more than two dwelling units. A housing permit applies to these structures, as well as any accessory buildings related to them. This can include new construction, additions to existing buildings.
Examples of housing permits include: Custom homes, detached garages, sheds, unenclosed porches, non-stacked townhouse blocks.
Required Forms
- Building Permit Application Form (not required for Cloudpermit applications)
- Permit Applicant Authorization (required when the Owner is not the permit applicant)
- Applicable Law Checklist
- Schedule 1: Designer Information (for BCIN Designers)
- Energy Efficiency Design Summary Form
- Water Pipe Sizing Form
Required Documentation
- Approval Documents required by applicable law agencies such as conservation authorities, planning approvals, Ministry of Transportation etc.)
- Lot Grading Approval - Town of Grimsby Development Engineering at 905.309.2014
- Zoning Approval - Town of Grimsby Planning Division 905.309.2019
- On-site Sewage System Approval (for properties served by private systems contact Niagara Region at 905-980-6000)
Required Drawings
- Site plan
- Zoning Summary (permitted / proposed)
- Property lines referenced to a current survey
- Location of all proposed & existing buildings
- Location of all proposed & existing services i.e hydro, water sewer
- Overall dimensions of all buildings (width / length)
- Proposed finished first floor & basement elevations
- Architectural Plans
- Existing floor plans (required for all additions and alterations)
- Floor plans of every floor level (specify rooms)
- Building elevations with limiting distance calculations (for new buildings, additions, or when existing exterior walls are altered)
- Stair, landings, deck, guards and handrail details
- Details and construction notes / specifications
- Structural (may be incorporated into Architectural Plans)
- Footing / Foundation design
- Floor framing plan (including posts, beams, joists, lintels)
- Roof framing plan (including posts, beams, joists, lintels)
- Shop drawings for pre-engineered floor systems
- Framing Plan (stamped by BCIN or P.Eng)
- Beam calculation sheets (sealed by a P.Eng)
- Shop drawings for prefabricated roof trusses
- Framing plan (stamped by BCIN or P.Eng)
- Truss calculations sheets (sealed by a P.Eng)
- Mechanical (HVAC) Plans
- Mechanical Ventilation Design Summary
- Heat loss / heat gain / duct calculations
Example Drawings