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Building Permit Application Requirements

Guide to Building Permits

There are various types of building permits. In this section, you will find information about the different application types, along with the forms, drawings, and documents needed for each type of construction project.

If you're unsure which building permit is right for your project, please contact the Building Division at 905-309-2022 or by email at to confirm before submitting your application.

Housing includes detached houses, semi-detached houses, and townhouses (up to 3 storeys) with no more than two dwelling units. A housing permit applies to these structures, as well as any accessory buildings related to them. This can include new construction, additions to existing buildings. 

Examples of housing permits include: Custom homes, detached garages, sheds, unenclosed porches, non-stacked townhouse blocks.

Required Forms

Required Documentation

  • Approval Documents required by applicable law agencies such as conservation authorities, planning approvals, Ministry of Transportation etc.)
  • Lot Grading Approval - Town of Grimsby Development Engineering at 905.309.2014
  • Zoning Approval - Town of Grimsby Planning Division 905.309.2019
  • On-site Sewage System Approval (for properties served by private systems contact Niagara Region at 905-980-6000)

Required Drawings

  • Site plan
    • Zoning Summary (permitted / proposed)
    • Property lines referenced to a current survey
    • Location of all proposed & existing buildings 
    • Location of all proposed & existing services i.e hydro, water sewer
    • Overall dimensions of all buildings (width / length)
    • Proposed finished first floor & basement elevations
  • Architectural Plans
    • Existing floor plans (required for all additions and alterations)
    • Floor plans of every floor level (specify rooms)
    • Building elevations with limiting distance calculations (for new buildings, additions, or when existing exterior walls are altered)
    • Stair, landings, deck, guards and handrail details
    • Details and construction notes / specifications
  • Structural (may be incorporated into Architectural Plans)
    • Footing / Foundation design
    • Floor framing plan (including posts, beams, joists, lintels)
    • Roof framing plan (including posts, beams, joists, lintels)
    • Shop drawings for pre-engineered floor systems
      • Framing Plan (stamped by BCIN or P.Eng)
      • Beam calculation sheets (sealed by a P.Eng)
    • Shop drawings for prefabricated roof trusses
      • Framing plan (stamped by BCIN or P.Eng)
      • Truss calculations sheets (sealed by a P.Eng)
  • Mechanical (HVAC) Plans
    • Mechanical Ventilation Design Summary
    • Heat loss / heat gain / duct calculations



House checklist

Example Drawings

Grading Plan

Application/House Plan


Truss Layout

Truss Spec

Housing renovations typically include: 

  • adding or removing walls (i.e., changing room sizes and/or uses)
  • new windows or doors where there were none before
  • enlarging or relocating existing windows or doors
  • finishing basement (other than adding secondary suite)

If the project is limited to plumbing only, then a plumbing permit should be applied for.

Required Forms

Required Documentation

  • Zoning Approval - Town of Grimsby Planning Division 905.309.2019
  • On-site Sewage System Approval (private septic system) - Niagara Region 905-980-6000)

Required Drawings

  • Architectural Plans
    • Existing floor plans 
    • Floor plans of every floor level (specify rooms)
    • Building elevations with limiting distance calculations (only when existing exterior walls are altered)
    • Stair, landings, guards and handrail details
    • Details and construction notes / specifications
  • Structural (only where structural alterations proposed)
    • Footing / Foundation design
    • Floor framing plan (including posts, beams, joists, lintels)
    • Roof framing plan (including posts, beams, joists, lintels)
    • Shop drawings for pre-engineered floor systems
      • Framing Plan (stamped by BCIN or P.Eng)
      • Beam calculation sheets (sealed by a P.Eng)
    • Shop drawings for prefabricated roof trusses
      • Framing plan (stamped by BCIN or P.Eng)
      • Truss calculations sheets (sealed by a P.Eng)
  • Mechanical (HVAC) Plans for major HVAC alterations (minor branch relocating exempt)
    • Mechanical Ventilation Design Summary
    • Heat loss / heat gain / duct calculations



An secondary suite is a self-contained secondary living space built within a dwelling unit. It can be located in various parts of the house, such as the basement or above a garage.

A guide to secondary suites provides detailed information on the process and requirements for obtaining a building permit to create an accessory dwelling unit.

Required Forms

Required Documentation

  • Approval Documents required by applicable law agencies such as conservation authorities, planning approvals, Ministry of Transportation etc.)
  • Zoning Approval - Town of Grimsby Planning Division 905.309.2019
  • On-site Sewage System Approval (for properties served by private systems contact Niagara Region at 905-980-6000)

Required Drawings

  • Site plan
    • Zoning Summary (permitted / proposed)
    • Property lines referenced to a current survey
    • Location of all proposed & existing buildings
    • Overall dimensions of all buildings (width / length)
    • Proposed finished first floor & basement elevations)
  • Architectural Plans
    • Existing floor plans (required for alterations)
    • Floor plans of every floor level (specify rooms)
        • Label use of each space, provide dimensions, ceiling height
        • Show window and door location and sizes
        • Indicate location of fire separations
    • Show electrical lighting, control switches and outlets, interconnected smoke alarms, and when required, the location of battery powered emergency lighting units.
    • Building elevations showing Second Unit Entrance and Egress/Exit Windows. Include limiting distance calculations (for new buildings, additions, or when existing exterior walls are altered)
    • Sections and Wall / Celing / Fire Separation Construction Details
    • Construction Details of Egress Windows
    • Details and construction notes / specifications
  • Structural (may be incorporated into Architectural Plans)
    • Footing / Foundation design
    • Floor framing plan (including posts, beams, joists, lintels)
    • Roof framing plan (including posts, beams, joists, lintels)
  • Mechanical (HVAC/Plumbing) Plans (may be incorporated into Architectural Plans)
    • location of all heating supply outlets and return air grilles, exhaust air intakes, duct-type smoke detectors
    • Provide exhaust fans over ranges, within bathrooms and all rooms not equipped with a window providing natural ventilation to the outdoors
    • Show location of plumbing fixtures



Example Drawings

Basement Apartment

MMAH Guide

Before demolishing all or part of a building, you must apply for a demolition permit from your local municipality. The process is similar to applying for a building permit, although certain special circumstances may impact your application.

You may need separate heritage approval from the municipality or the Ontario Heritage Trust, including approval for demolishing a building or structure on the property, if your property is:

  • Designated under the Ontario Heritage Act,
  • Located in a heritage conservation district, or
  • Subject to a heritage conservation easement (a legal agreement protecting heritage elements, applicable to any landowner).

If your property is not designated but is listed on a municipal heritage register, the Ontario Heritage Act requires the property owner to provide municipal council with 60 days' notice before demolishing or removing a building or structure on the property.

The property owner is responsible for notifying all relevant authorities, including utility services, applicable law agencies, and the Ministry of Labour, about the proposed demolition before work begins. The Town of Grimsby building division is not responsible for informing these authorities or for issuing their approvals.

Required Forms

Required Drawings

  • Site plan
    • Identify building to be demolished and the decommissioning plan for existing services.
    • Identify area of excavation, proposed depth of excavation and the location of foundation walls for the new custom home (for infill projects only)
    • Property lines and lot area referenced to a current survey
  • Temporary shoring plan required for infill housing projects where:
    • New foundation walls will be 1.8 m or less from an adjacent property line, or
    • Excavation will be within 1.2 m of a property line

Additional Requirements

If the building is more than 3 stories tall, exceeds 600 square meters in area, includes pre-tensioned or post-tensioned members, involves demolition below the footing level of an adjacent building, or plans to use explosives or lasers for demolition, the following additional items must be submitted with the permit application:

A non-housing permit pertains to the construction or expansion of any commercial, institutional or industrial building .

Required Forms

Required Documentation

  • Approval Documents required by Applicable Law

Required Drawings

  • Site plan
    • Zoning Summary (permitted / proposed)
    • Property lines and lot area referenced to a current survey
    • Location of all proposed & existing buildings
    • Overall dimensions of all buildings (width / length)
  • On-site Sewage System (for properties served by private systems)
    • System drawings & details
    • Statement of Design
  • Architectural Plans
    • Ontario Building Code Data Matrix
    • Existing floor / mezzanine plans (required for all additions and alterations / change of use)
    • Proposed floor / mezzanine plans
    • Fire separation locations
    • Building elevations with limiting distance calculations (for new buildings, additions, or when existing exterior walls are altered)
    • Stair and ramp details (including guard and handrail details)
    • Room Finish and Door schedules
    • Sections, details and construction notes / specifications
  • Structural Plans
    • Footing / Foundation plans (including design loads)
    • Floor framing plans (including design loads)
    • Roof framing plans (including design loads)
    • Column and beam schedules
    • Sections and details
    • Geotechnical Investigation Report including Hydrogeological assessment
    • Seismic calculation with soil class
  • Mechanical (HVAC & Plumbing) Plans
    • HVAC drawings
    • Fire protection systems (sprinkler, standpipe)
    • Plumbing drawings (fixtures, water, drains, venting)
    • Plumbing riser diagrams
  • Electrical & Fire Protection plans
    • Electrical supply & distribution plans
    • Fire protection plans
    • Riser diagrams and fire alarm zoning information
  • Site Servicing / Grading
    • Municipally approved site grading plan
    • Municipally approved site servicing plan

A plumbing permit is a required for any plumbing work located within a building or on private property. 

Examples of plumbing permits include: site servicing, pre-servicing connection, fixture installation with no other construction, backflow preventer installation.

Required Forms

Required Documentation

  • Approval Documents required by Applicable Law
  • Cross-connection survey (for backflow preventer installations)

Required Drawings

  • Draft plan of Subdivision (for pre-servicing connections)
  • Floor Plan with fixture locations (for fixture installations in existing single-detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling or non-stacked townhouse units)
  • Plumbing Plans (for fixture installations in multi-residential or non-residential buildings )
    • Plumbing drawings (fixtures, water, drains, venting)
    • Plumbing riser diagrams
  • Site Servicing / Grading (for site servicing applications)
    • Municipally approved site grading plan
    • Municipally approved site servicing plan
    • Architectural site plan including locations of fire hydrants
  • On-site Sewage System (for properties served by private systems)
    • System drawings & details
    • Statement of Design

A building permit is required for a temporary tents or group of tents that meets any of the following conditions:

  • A single tent with an area of 60 m2 or more,
  • A group of tents with an aggregate area of 60 m2 or more,
  • A tent of any size that is attached to a building, or
  • One ore more tents that are less than 3 m from adjacent structures.

A demountable stage consists of one or more platforms together with any wall, roof or other structure attached to or located on any of the platforms. A building permit is required for a temporary stage that meets any of the following conditions:

  • The platform(s) has an aggregate area more than 60 m2 and any part of the platform(s) is more than 3 m in height above adjacent ground level,
  • The platform(s) has an aggregate area more than 225 m2, or
  • Any part of the platform(s) or any roof, wall or structure attached to or located on any platforms is 5 m or more in height above adjacent ground level.

A demountable support structure is a structure that is not attached to or located on a stage and is capable of supporting banners, stage sets, props, sound equipment, lighting equipment or other equipment. A building permit is required for a demountable support structure under the following conditions:

  • The demountable support structure is more than 3 m in height above adjacent ground level, or
  • The demountable support structure is designed to carry a superimposed specified load greater than 115 kg, or
  • The demountable support structure would create a hazard to the public.

Note: In order to ensure there is sufficient time to process your application, the application is to be made least 6 weeks before the event.

Required Forms

Required Documentation

  • Approval Documents required by Applicable Law
  • Shop Drawings (dimensioned plans, elevations, sections, construction details/notes)
  • Document confirming the flame spread rating of tent material.

Required Drawings

  • Site plan identifying the location of all temporary and permanent structure(s), dimensions of proposed temporary structures, and clearances to adjacent structures.

This applies to the installation of permanent signs such as: wall signs, ground signs, and projecting signs. It also applies to specific types of temporary signs, including: real estate development signs, subdivision development signs and hoarding signs.

Required Forms

Where the proposed sign is unable to conform to the Town of Grimsby Sign By-Law a sign variance may be applied for.

Required Documentation

  • Approval Documents required by Applicable Law

Required Drawings

  • Site plan identifying location of the sign
  • Building elevation drawings
    • Position of the sign
    • Dimensions of the sign face
    • Length / height of the wall
  • Sign drawings
    • Sign dimensions
    • Wording of the sign face
    • Lighting
    • Structural details (e.g., mounting, weight of fascia signs, foundations)
    • Support structures (for ground signs)

Note: The drawings must be prepared by an Architect or Professional Engineer where the sign is a wall sign weighing more than 115 kg, a roof sign with a face greater than 10 square metres, or a projecting sign on a parapet wall.

This applies to the installation of required fencing around in-ground and above-ground pools installed on residential properties. the permit must be obtained prior to the construction of the pool.

Detailed criteria for the design of the pool enclosure are outlined in Markham's Swimming Pool By-law.

Required Forms

Required Drawings

  • Site plan prepared using a current survey
    • Location of property lines, existing buildings and proposed pool
    • Details of the proposed fence (height, type of material, location)
    • Gate location and details (must be self-closing and self-latching)
    • Location of septic system (for properties with a private on-site sewage system)

A repeat housing permit is a permit application for a new building where a previously approved Certified Model is being constructed.

Examples of repeat permits: single detached dwelling, semi-detached dwelling, detached garage, semi-detached garages.

Required Forms

Required Documentation

  • Approval Documents required by Applicable Law

Required Drawings

  • Site plan
    • Zoning Summary (permitted / proposed)
    • Property lines referenced to a current survey
    • Location of all proposed & existing buildings
    • Overall dimensions of all buildings (width / length)
    • Proposed finished first floor & basement elevations)
    • Stamped by a grading engineer, confirming that it complies with the approved grading plan for the subdivision
    • Indicate name of Model, Elevation and Standard or Reversed
    • If the model contains an Accessory Dwelling Unit, the accessory dwelling unit must be noted on the siting plan.

How to apply for a building permit

There are several methods for applying for a building permit, depending on your project and preferred resources. Whether applying online or submitting a paper application, each method ensures efficient processing. Below, we outline the available options to help you choose the best one for your needs.

If you are submitting your application in person, please ensure that you complete the Building Permit Application form. Along with the application, you must also submit two sets of complete construction drawings. These documents are essential for the review and processing of your building permit.

You have two options for submitting your application:

  1. Visit Town Hall During Office Hours: You are welcome to come to the Town Hall in person during regular office hours to submit your application.

  2. Schedule an Appointment: If you prefer, you can schedule an appointment in advance to submit your application in person. This may be a convenient option if you need assistance or if you have specific questions regarding the application process.

For in-person submissions, please visit the Building Division at the following address:

Building Division
Town of Grimsby
160 Lingston Ave.
Grimsby, ON L3M 0J5

For any inquiries or further assistance, you can contact the Building Division at:

Telephone: 905.309.2022

Please ensure that all documents are complete and ready for submission to avoid delays in processing your application.

If you are submitting your application by mail, please ensure that you complete the Building Permit Application form. Along with your application, you must include two sets of complete construction drawings. These documents are necessary for the review and processing of your building permit.

Once you have filled out the application and gathered the required construction drawings, please send them through mail or courier to the following address:

Building Division
Town of Grimsby
160 Lingston Ave.
Grimsby, ON L3M 0J5

Make sure all the documents are properly prepared and enclosed to avoid any delays in the review process. If you choose to use a courier service, please ensure that your package is addressed correctly to the Building Division to guarantee it reaches the right department.

The Town of Grimsby Building Permit Application Portal is coming soon for online submissions.

To assist you in completing your application, we recommend consulting the Building Permit Application Portal user guide. This guide offers detailed, step-by-step instructions to ensure your application is completed accurately.

If you require further assistance or have any questions, please feel free to contact us. You can email, or call 905.309.2022 and ask to speak with a Building Technician, who will be happy to offer guidance or clarify any aspects of the application process.


Building Permit Fees

When submitting your Building Permit application, you must pay the required permit fees, which are outlined in Grimsby’s Fee Schedule. Fees vary depending on the project’s nature and scope. For detailed information on fees, requirements, and refund policies, refer to Grimsby’s By-law on building permits, which provides comprehensive guidelines on the permit process.

Calculated based on the work you propose in your application, the Building Permit fee schedule lists the fee rates charged for each type of work proposed. 

Permit fees shall be calculated based on the formula given below unless otherwise specified in this schedule:

Minimum fee of $185.00 (2024) shall be charged for all work.

Fee Calculation Formula:

  • Permit fee = SI x A
  • SI = Service Index for classification of proposed work
  • A = Floor area in m2 of work involved of work involved

Click link below to view applicable rates:

Building Permit Fee Schedule


Various types of construction projects may be subject to additional fees payable at time of permit issuance. These fees are separate from building permit fees, and are regulated by varying governing bodies. If you have any clarifying questions related to the fees mentioned below please contact the individual departments listed.

These fees include but are not limited to:

Niagara Region Finance - Development Charges  905-980-6000 ext. 3528

Town of Grimsby Finance - Development Charges   905-945-9634 ext. 2169

Town of Grimsby Planning - Parkland Dedication Charges   905-945-9634 ext. 2128

Town of Grimsby Public Works - Water Meter Fees   905-945-9634 ext. 2014

Town of Grimsby Public Works - Grading/Security Bonds   905-945-9634 ext. 2014

Town of Grimsby Public Works - Service Connection Fees   905-945-9634 ext. 2014

Town of Grimsby Public Works - Entrance Permit   905-945-9634 ext. 2014

Contact Us

Town of Grimsby
160 Livingston Avenue
Grimsby ON, L3M 0J5
Phone: 905-945-9634
Fax: 905-945-5010

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