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Current Planning Applications

Information about the current applications for Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-law Amendments, and Draft Plans of Subdivision in the Town of Grimsby can be referred to below.

Why Do Plans Change?

In general:

  • The provincial Planning Act gives authority to individuals to submit applications for development proposals that do not meet the current Official Plan policies or the Zoning By-law regulations
  • The Town is required to process these applications under the Planning Act
  • Official Plans may only be amended if the change complies with the overall intent of the Official Plan and is consistent with Provincial and Regional policy
  • Zoning By-laws may be amended if the change is compatible with the Official Plan and surrounding neighbourhoods and is consistent with Provincial and Regional policy

The Planning Process

The diagram below shows a general overview of the planning process for Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-law Amendments, and/or Draft Plan of Subdivision applications.

Opportunities for public input are provided throughout this process. These opportunities include the Open House, and Statutory Public Meeting, highlighted in orange on the diagram below.

For most planning applications, Council acts as the approval authority, meaning they are the body that makes a decision to approve, approve with conditions and/or modifications, or deny the application.

An applicant or another party can appeal Council's decision to the Ontario Land Tribunal, an adjudicative tribunal appointed and governed by the province. More information about the Ontario Land Tribunal and the appeal process can be found here

Diagram showing the planning process


For more information about a current planning application, including information on how to provide comments, please contact the Planning Department at

Please note that some of the third-party documents linked below may not be compliant with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act 2005, Ont. Reg. 429/07 (A.O.D.A.). Contact the Planning Department if you require a copy of these documents in an accessible format.

Current Planning Applications Map

The map below shows the location of Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, and Draft Plan of Subdivision applications currently active in the Town of Grimsby.

An application has been received by the Town of Grimsby for a Zoning By-law Amendment for the lands known as 129 Mountain Road. 

Application Type

Zoning By-law Amendment to amend the Town of Grimsby Zoning By-law 14-45, as amended, through rezoning a portion of the lands from Specialty Crop (SC) to Specialty Crop with site specific provisions (SC-XX). The site specific provisions implement the sole permitted use on PART 3 of the lands to be Agricultural Purposes Only (APO) as well as amendments to the minimum lot area and minimum lot coverage to facilitate a conditionally approved severance of the surplus farm dwelling.


  • Applicant: William and Linda Emslie
  • Agent: NPG Planning Solutions (c/o Denise Horne)

Supporting Documents

In support of the applications, the applicant submitted the following documents:

Town Contact


  • Public Meeting Notice - TBA

Town of Grimsby Staff are submitting an application to amend the Zoning By-law with respect to Accessible Parking.

Application Type

Zoning By-law Amendment for the proposed municipally led Accessible Parking Zoning By-law Amendment in Grimsby.


Agent: The Corporation of the Town of Grimsby

Proposed Amendment

Consists of complying with regulations made under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) by January 1, 2025. Upon review, Grimsby’s existing regulations were identified as needing some updates to fully comply.

Ontario Regulation 413/12 prescribes minimum standards for the application of off-street parking, exceptions to accessible parking, types of accessible parking spaces, access aisles, minimum number and type of accessible parking spaces required, signage, and on-street parking spaces.

The proposed amendment to the Zoning By-law would further identify the types of accessible parking spaces and make other minor changes.

Supporting Documents

In support of the application, the following is submitted:

  • Draft Zoning By-law Amendment

Town Contact


Notice of Public Meeting

An application has been received by the Town of Grimsby for a Zoning By-law Amendment for the lands known as 152 Main Street West. 

Application Type

Zoning By-law Amendment to amend the Town of Grimsby Zoning By-law 14-45, as amended, through rezoning of the lands from the Residential Zone to an Institutional Zone to permit a daycare use.


  • Applicant: St. Andrew’s Anglican Church
  • Agent: A.J. Clarke and Associates Ltd.

Proposed Development

Consists of expanding a preschool to utilize the single detached dwelling on the subject lands with the permission of the St. Andrew’s Anglican Church.

The proposal consists of a change of use on the subject lands and does not include any alterations to the existing built form. Only interior renovations will be required to facilitate the expansion of the preschool.

Supporting Documents

In support of the applications, the applicant submitted the following documents:

  • Zoning By-law Amendment Application Form
  • Draft Zoning By-law Amendment
  • Concept Plan

Town Contact


Applications have been received by the Town of Grimsby for an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment for the lands known as 540-544 North Service Road. 

Application Type

  • Official Plan Amendment to redesignate the subject lands from Mixed Use – Medium Density to Mixed Use – High Density within the Winston Road Secondary Plan, and permit heights of 22 storeys and 16 storeys respectively for the affected buildings.
  • Zoning By-law Amendment to amend the Town of Grimsby Zoning By-law 14-45, as amended, through rezoning of the lands from the Service Commercial Zone (CS) to Mixed Use High Density Residential (MHD) Zone with site-specific modifications that include adjusted minimum front and rear setbacks, maximum heights, minimum parking requirements, and lot coverage


  • Applicant: LJM Developments
  • Agent: A.J. Clarke and Associates Ltd.

Proposed Development

  • Consists of two separate residential towers containing 548 residential units (326 units within the “West Tower” and 222 units within the “East Tower”.
  • Each tower proposes a 6-storey podium containing residential uses and amenity space.
  • The West Tower is proposed to be 22 storeys and the East Tower is proposed to be 16 storeys.
  • Five levels of underground parking are proposed containing 606 motor vehicle parking spaces and 417 bicycle parking spaces. 

Supporting Documents

In support of the applications, the applicant submitted the following documents:

Town Contact



The Town has received a Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision applications to facilitate the proposed development that consists of 24 semi-detached dwellings, 7 single detached dwellings, and an amenity clubhouse on the subject lands accessed through a new private condominium road from two locations on Lake Street. 

Application Type

  • Zoning By-law Amendment
  • Draft Plan of Subdivision 


  • Applicant: Sophie’s Landing (Grimsby) Inc.
  • Agent: A.J. Clarke and Associates Ltd. c/o Ryan Ferrari 

Proposed Development

  • The Zoning By-law Amendment is to change the zoning from the Neighbourhood Development (ND) and Residential Detached 2 (RD2.35) zones on the subject lands to Multiple Residential 1 (RM1), with site-specific modifications in place.
  • The Draft Plan of Subdivision is to create a one (1) block draft plan of subdivision to facilitate a future common elements condominium application. 

Supporting Documents

In support of the applications, the applicant submitted the following documents:

Submission 1 (September 2023)

Town Contact


Application Type

  • Official Plan Amendment


  • Owner: 502 Winston Road Inc.
  • Agent: IBI Group (c/o Ritee Haider)

Proposed Development

  • Official Plan Amendment to allow the re-designation of the subject lands from Specialty Crop Area - Tender Fruit and Grape Lands to Rural Area.
    • Note: A concurrent Regional Official Plan Amendment is ongoing to allow for the re-designation.

Supporting Documents


Town/Region Contacts


Application Type

  • Zoning By-law Amendment
  • Draft Plan of Subdivision
  • Draft Plan of Condominium


  • Owner: 2004604 Ontario Inc., 189 South Service Road, L3M 4H6
  • Agent: IBI Group c/o Jared Marcus, 360 James Street North, Suite 200, L8L 1H5

Proposed Development

  • The Zoning By-law Amendment is to re-zone the subject properties from Residential Detached 1 (RD1.15) and Neighbourhood development (ND) to Residential Multiple 1 (RM1) and Residential Detached 3 (RD3).
  • Purpose of the amendment is to support the development of 2 single-detached dwellings and 42 semi-detached dwellings on a private road condominium road.

Supporting Documents

Submission 2 (August 2022)

Submission 1 (August 2021)

Public Meetings

Application Type(s)

  • Official Plan Amendment
  • Zoning By-law Amendment


Owner: Valentine Coleman 1 Inc. & Valentine Coleman 2 Inc.

Agent: Elsa Fancello

Proposed Development

The Town has received an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment from Castlepoint Numa to facilitate the development of a seven storey mixed-use building, that incorporates Woolverton House and Woolverton Hall in the design. The building would contain residential, retail, and community hub uses. 

Supporting Documents

Submission 3 (January 2022):

Submission 2 (October 2021):

Submission 1 (June 2021):

Public Meetings

Application Type

  • Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment


The Town has received an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment application from Losani Homes for 141-149 Main Street East for the purpose of developing a seven storey residential building with commercial space.

This application was appealed to the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) on March 30, 2021.

File Numbers: 26OP-16-2002 and 26Z-16-2004

We would like your feedback on an official plan amendment and rezoning applications at 141 - 149 Main Street East.

Proposed Development

The proposal is to allow for a development of a 7-storey residential building with commercial space. The official plan amendment would maintain the Neighbourhood Commercial (NC) Area designation and introduce site specific policies to allow the residential uses. The rezoning would maintain the Neighbourhood Commercial (NC) Area zone and introduce site specific exceptions for residential uses, building height, lot coverage, and parking.

The key aspects of the proposal include:

  • 215 residential units
  • Floor space ratio (FSR) of 2.17
  • Floor area of 8880 sq. m (95,584 sq ft.)
  • Building height of 23.6 m (77 ft.)
  • 266 parking spaces and 65 bicycle parking spaces


Supporting Documents

In support of the applications, the following documents were submitted by the applicant:


Town Contact

Streetscape Rendering 226 and 228 Main Street East

Application(s) Type

  • Zoning By-law Amendment 


  • Owners: David and Donna Latchford, 226 Main Street East, Grimsby, ON, L3M 1P6
  • Agent: IBI Group - Angela Buonamici, 360 James Street North, Suite 200, Hamilton, ON, L8L 1H5

Proposed Development

  • 8 single family detached dwellings on a private condominium roadway. The condominium application is to follow.
  • Lot 1 will have frontage on Main Street.

Supporting Documents

In support of the applications, the following documents were submitted by the applicant:

Public Meetings

Public Open House - June 18, 2019

Statutory Public Meeting - August 27, 2019

Rendering of 362 & 398 North Service Road Proposed Development

Application(s) Type

  • Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, and Draft Plan of Subdivision


  • Owners: Losani Homes, 430 McNeilly Road, Stoney Creek, ON. L8E 5E3
  • Agent: MHBC Planning, David Aston, Suite 200, 540 Bingemans Centre Drive, Kitchener, ON N2B 3X9

Proposed Development

  • 6 mixed-use apartment buildings comprised of a total of 1247 residential units, and 5,334 square metres of employment space on the ground floor fronting North Service Road. These buildings are proposed to have the following heights: 18, 22, 12, 12, 10, and 14 storeys.
  • 38, 2.5 storey townhouse units, and 10, 3 storey back-to-back townhouse units; and,
  • Approximately 1.4 hectares of parkland area that is proposed to be dedicated to the Town for continuation of the west-end waterfront trail.
  • A total of 1845 parking spaces are proposed on-site: 96 spaces for the townhouse units; 1559 spaces for the residential apartment units, and 190 spaces for the employment uses.

Supporting Documents

In support of the applications, the following documents were submitted by the applicant:

April 2019

October 2019

January 2020

June 2020

Visioning Document

Given the significance of the subject site, the Region and the Town retained the services of Planning Partnership and Greenberg Consultants Inc. to conduct a Regionally funded, high level design charrette for the site in November 2016.

Public Meetings

Public Open House - February 26, 2019

Statutory Public Meeting- January 28, 2020

These materials are available in alternate format, upon request.

Contact Us

Town of Grimsby
160 Livingston Avenue
Grimsby ON, L3M 0J5
Phone: 905-945-9634
Fax: 905-945-5010

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